Wealthy & Wise: Tarita Botsman-Carbo and The 7 Sopranos

17 May

This weeks featured Product/Service is one close to my heart.

On Mother’s Day I was fortunate and honoured to perform with some of Australia’s leading, and up-and-coming talent in the classical vocal powerhouse that is The 7 Sopranos.

“The 7 Sopranos is an ensemble of highly trained, professional, young, up-and-coming, female, Australian opera stars… With stunning voices, looks, glamour, and above all a strong sense of entertainment, The 7 Sopranos is a fusion of modern and classical vocal styles.”

And the Founder of this visual and vocal powerhouse sensation is Tarita Botsman-Carbo.  She is a performer herself, a Young Australian and Young Queenslander of the Year award winner with a string of performance credits and achievements to her name, all whilst balancing her family life including her gorgeous sons, Zachery and Maximus.


Tarita epitomizes the title “Diva”: First Lady.  She is exceptional at what she does – performing and otherwise – a born a leader but not a trace of attitude to be found (except in that slightly sassy way *SNAP*).  What makes Tarita so different to her performing colleagues is her SELFLESS passion, enthusiasm and dedication to opera and classical in Australia.  Her devotion to this style of music initiated the Sirens of Song, now SOS management and the 7 Sopranos.

Tarita is an inspirational woman.  While juggling her beautiful family and her own professional career after 18 years in the opera profession within Australia and overseas, she saw the opportunity to help those in the profession, establishing her business to provide employment for talented female singers in Australia.

“I have become aware of the large number of highly trained and talented, female, vocal graduates coming through Australia’s various Conservatoriums and Music Schools… (I) realised that singers returning from overseas cannot work in the Arts due to restricted visa opportunities in both Europe and America, and on arrival home…were faced with limited work possibilities and often lowly paid performance opportunities in Australia.”

The 7 Sopranos have performed with some of the worlds highest corporate profiles – Gucci, Rolex, Microsoft – and at some of the world’s most beautiful locations including Angkor Wat, Cambodia.

Along with her performance group The 7 Sopranos, she has also developed SWAPERA.  

SWAPERA was created to allow the community the help support young opera singers in their pursuit of national and international careers.

“Opera Singers are to the musical world what brain surgeons are to the medical profession, and it takes a similar amount of time for them both to train.  The only different is for opera singers there is not a guaranteed job at the end of the training.”

Australia lovesits athletes: pushing their bodies to the physical limits in the pursuit of something extraordinary.

Opera singers are in pursuit of similar physical peaks, aiming for the same extraordinary result.

The difference?

The use of two tiny muscles and breath.

“(We push) the voice to its limits, without the use of amplification, to see how high, how loud, how fast, and most importantly how beautifully we can sing the most technically difficult music written for singers.”

What to know how you can help support Australia’s young, up-and-coming and talented opera singers?

Or perhaps you would like to contact Ms. Botsman-Carbo to employ The 7 Sopranos for your next National or International function?

For more information check out The 7 Sopranos website.

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